Please note: |
Clicking on the region name on either the map or the left hand navigation bar will narrow down your search, enabling you to search for jobs within a specific area, county or city. |
Important: Please read before Confirming |
Editing this information will affect your Contact Details and / or Public Profile. If the information relates to your verification status, your verification status will be removed and you will be unable to purchase or use Callback Tokens until your new information has been uploaded and verified by a member of the WorkLocally team. If you wish to continue to edit please click on the Confirm button below. |
Purchase Additional Callback Tokens |
If you would like to purchase additional Callback tokens, please click on the Buy Now button, where you can purchase single or multiple tokens. Token purchases will be recorded in the 'My Tokens' tab. Each token has a unique code allowing you to identify their status, including when the token was redeemed and the Job Post that it was redeemed against. |
Update your Address |
Are you sure you want to update your address? If yes, please press Confirm below. Please Note: If you update your address to a new address, you must, as a minimum re-enter the first line of your address under House Name. If the information relates to your verification status, your verification status will be removed and you will be unable to purchase or use Callback Tokens until your new information has been uploaded and verified by a member of the WorkLocally team. Once you have changed your address, please click on Confirm to save your changes. Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
Update your PLI |
Editing this information will affect your Contact Details and / or Public Profile. If the information relates to your verification status, your verification status will be removed until your new details have been verified by a member of the WorkLocally team. Are you sure you want to update your PLI details? If yes, please press Confirm below. Thank You, The WorkLocally team |
Job Posting Policy |
WorkLocally Job Posting rules
You agree that by submitting a Job Post that WorkLocally are not responsible for any damage, or loss incurred as a result of any such dealings. WorkLocally are under no obligation to become involved in any disputes whatsoever between registered members who use the WorkLocally service, or participants who use the WorkLocally service and / or through any third party. Other Amendments to the Job Posting policy may be made at any time, with or without notice. Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
Use of Cookies on WorkLocally |
Following recent legislative changes, WorkLocally is required to notify all users of its website about the use of cookies. Cookies improve your browsing experience by enabling important website functionality. Cookies do not compromise security and are often used to safeguard your privacy. For more information on our Cookie Policy and what cookies are used on this site please click here. To understand more about cookies in general, please visit By closing this message you are confirming that you have read and understood this information and that you consent to the use of all cookies on this site. Alternatively, please refer to our Privacy Policy for information on how to amend your cookie settings on your internet browser. Should you disable some or all cookies, website functionality may be adversely affected. |
Important: Please read before Confirming |
Editing this information will affect your Contact Details and / or Public Profile. If the information relates to your verification status, your verification status will be removed and you will be unable to purchase or use Callback Tokens until your new information has been uploaded and verified by a member of the WorkLocally team. If you wish to continue to edit please click on the Confirm button below. |
Important: Please read before Confirming |
Editing this information will affect your Contact Details and / or Public Profile. If the information relates to your verification status, your verification status will be removed and you will be unable to purchase or use Callback Tokens until your new information has been uploaded and verified by a member of the WorkLocally team. If you wish to continue to edit please click on the Confirm button below. |
Important: Please read before Confirming |
Editing this information will affect your Contact Details and / or Public Profile. If the information relates to your verification status, your verification status will be removed and you will be unable to purchase or use Callback Tokens until your new information has been uploaded and verified by a member of the WorkLocally team. If you wish to continue to edit please click on the Confirm button below. |
Reset My Password |
To reset your password, simply enter the email address you use to sign into WorkLocally below and click "Submit". We will then reset your password and send it onto your registered email address. On your next successful logon you will be taken to a link to create a new password. Email ID:
User Name Validation |
In order to protect companies from unauthorised individuals joining WorkLocally using their company's name and reputation, we do not allow companies to use their company name as their user name. As the first 6 characters of your user name match your company name, please enter a new user name in the box below and click confirm. Please note: Your user name must:
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Job Quote Amount | Award Job | Job Seeker Name | Job Post Type | Job Seeker: Indep. | Job Seeker: Comp. | Job Score | % Positive | View Quote | Ignore Quote |
£300 | Award Job | Sally-12345 | 30 | 95% | Yes View Messages |
£300 | Award Job | Sally-12345 | 30 | 95% | Yes View Messages |
Delete Information |
Deleting this information will permanently remove it from your profile. This information, if applicable, will also be removed from your Public Profile and will no longer be visible by others. If you wish to continue to delete your previously submitted information, click on the confirm button below. |
Become a Job Seeker |
Before you can access this page, you will need to select your 'Job Seeker Type', from the available options detailed on the My Profile > Job Seeker Tab. Selecting your Job Seeker Type will ensure that your My WorkLocally Profile Dashboard is tailored to your registration type. Please note: You can only quote on jobs when 'Job Seeker Type', 'Working Status' and 'Qualifications & Certifications' have been confirmed. To go to the Job Seeker Tab, please click on the Okay button below. |
Subscribe to Gold |
Some of the benefits you will receive:
Gold Membership Order Summary | ||||||
Subscribe to Bronze |
Some of the benefits you will receive:
Bronze Membership Order Summary | ||||||
Subscribe to Silver |
Some of the benefits you will receive:
Silver Membership Order Summary | ||||||
Job Quote Limit |
The maximum amount that you can quote on a job will depend on the membership type that you choose. For Job Seekers looking to only quote on smaller jobs, the Bronze membership is not only excellent value for money, but comes with many great WorkLocally features that could be perfect for all your needs. For Job Seekers looking to quote on larger jobs, you may be more suited to a Silver or Gold membership. Remember, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your membership at any time, should you feel that a different membership type would suit your needs better. |
Submit Business Advert |
All of our membership plans allow you to submit a FREE business advert. Silver and Gold members are also able to submit verification information to WorkLocally, once completed your profile will be endorsed to show others that appropriate checks have been successfully carried out. The minimum yearly cost for verifying your business advert is £20.00 under a Silver membership plan. Additional Benefits of becoming a Silver or Gold member: Quote on Online Jobs Silver membership allows you to quote on any online job up to £ 500.00 Gold membership allows you to quote on any online job without limits Access Callback Jobs Once the minimum verification checks by WorkLocally have been confirmed, you will be able to access job leads – "Callback Jobs", via the WorkLocally token redemption process, giving you instant and direct access to contact details.
Submit FREE Job Post |
Users can submit details of a job that they need completing using our specially designed and easy to use Job Post functions. Submitting a Job Post is completely free and also available on all membership types. If you are looking to solely submit Job Posts then please subscribe as a Job Poster through our simple registration process. Registering as a Job Poster and posting jobs is free, along with many other great features that will enable you to manage your job post from start to finish. If you are looking to post and quote on Jobs then another membership type may suit you better. |
Access Callback Jobs |
Callback jobs are jobs submitted by a Job Poster looking for up to 7 interested Job Seekers to contact them directly to arrange a quote. Whilst all membership types allow you to post a Callback job, only Silver and Gold members can register their interest in these Job Posts. For those looking to access Callback job leads then a Silver or Gold membership would be perfect for you. Please note, you must be a verified WorkLocally Silver or Gold member to enable the Callback jobs feature.
Once verified, your account will then be enabled to allow the purchase of pre-paid Callback tokens, which can be redeemed against Callback jobs, once successfully added to your Job Basket. For further information on verification, please review the "Get Verified" sections below. |
Get Email Alerts |
One of the great benefits of becoming a member is that you will be able to set up email alerts tailored to your skills and area. Once set up, you will automatically receive alerts on any new jobs posted in your area that match your skills, putting you in the best position to quote on and win jobs in your area. |
Submit FREE Job Post |
Users can submit details of a job that they need completing using our specially designed and easy to use Job Post functions. Submitting a Job Post is completely free and also available on all membership types. If you are looking to solely submit Job Posts then please subscribe as a Job Poster through our simple registration process. Registering as a Job Poster and posting jobs is free, along with many other great features that will enable you to manage your job post from start to finish. If you are looking to post and quote on Jobs then another membership type may suit you better. |
Get Verified |
In order to be verified by the WorkLocally team, you must be a Silver or Gold member. Bronze members are not entitled for account verification. Getting verified gives Job Posters piece of mind which in turn increases your chances of winning Jobs. Getting verified is simple. All you need to do is upload your information, which is automatically secured in transit (see the padlock in the top left of your internet browser) and sent to the WorkLocally team for review and approval. The information will be reviewed and a Green Thumbs Up marker placed on your public profile for other WorkLocally members to see, giving confidence to Job Posters that you've been checked out. |
Publish Qualifications |
As a WorkLocally member you can upload and publish details of any relevant courses or qualifications that you have completed. Adding these details will not only enhance your public profile but may also be instrumental in helping you to win more jobs. |
Publish Skills |
As a WorkLocally member you can provide details of up to 5 skills that you specialise in. This will not only help other WorkLocally members to understand your strengths but can also be used in tailoring your job searches. |
Build Public Profile |
One of the great advantages of joining WorkLocally is that no matter which membership you choose, you can start building your public profile immediately. As a Job Poster your public profile includes the number of Jobs that you have posted and awarded as well as details of feedback that you have received. As a Job Seeker your public profile will include details of the number of Jobs you have completed through WorkLocally, any feedback you have received, whether you have been WorkLocally verified as well as your skills and qualifications. A positive, comprehensive and detailed public profile will only help you win more jobs. |
Leave Feedback |
An integral part of WorkLocally is our inbuilt feedback function. Feedback can be left by both the Job Poster and Job Seeker and helps to foster a culture of accountability. Job Posters are urged to use the feedback left through WorkLocally as just one of the many tools available to them to assess a Job Seeker's suitability for their job. |
Personalised Dashboard |
As a member of WorkLocally, you will have access to your own personalised dashboard. Here all of the jobs that you have posted or quoted on can be accessed and managed. You will also be able to manage your account and settings using our easy to use dashboard. |
View Jobs on Map |
As part of your membership subscription you will be able to view jobs that you have registered an interest in, quoted on, or jobs that you have been awarded, all on a geographical based map. The map format allows you to quickly see where jobs are located and to plan your work schedules accordingly. |
Create Custom Searches |
Creating Custom searches enables users to define set criteria that can be used to search for suitable Job Posts. Once set, this set of search criteria can then be saved to your personal profile. Not only can the saved search(es) be easily run at any time from the find a job page, but can also be configured so that an email alert is sent whenever a new job is posted which matches your pre-determined search criteria. |
Send Messages |
WorkLocally has an internal messaging system that enables Job Posters and Job Seekers to ask and respond to questions relating to a given Job Post. This messaging system will enable Job Seekers to provide more accurate quotations and also allow Job Posters to send important updates or additional pieces of information about their Job Post. |
Getting WorkLocally Verification |
How do I get Worklocally Verified? In order to be verified by the WorkLocally team, you must be a Silver or Gold member. Getting verified is simple. All you need to do is upload your information, which is secured using security protection technologies and sent to the WorkLocally team. The information will be reviewed and a marker placed on your public profile for the other WorkLocally members to see. What Details will WorkLocally Verify? If you are an Independent Job Seeker or Sole Trader, WorkLocally will verify your identity and address as well as your Public Liability Insurance and VAT details if applicable. If you are a Company, WorkLocally will verify your Company details as well as your Public Liability Insurance and VAT details if applicable. Why Should I get WorkLocally Verified? Getting verified gives Job Posters piece of mind which in turn increases your chances of winning Jobs. |
Unable to Buy Lead |
Your current membership restricts you from buying this job lead. In order to purchase job leads like this, you will need to:
Unable to Buy Lead |
Your current membership and verification status restricts you from buying this job lead. In order to purchase job leads like this, you will need to:
Unable to Buy Lead |
Your current membership restricts you from buying this job lead. In order to purchase job leads like this, you will need to:
Thank You |
Your feedback has been successfully sent to the WorkLocally team for their review |
Communication Policy |
Contact Information Before the Job Post has been "Awarded" by the Job Poster, it is a breach to communicate the following:
Communication breaches can be reported to the WorkLocally team by clicking on the flag next to the relevant message. Any flagged breaches will be escalated to the WorkLocally team, which, if found to contravene WorkLocally rules could result in immediate account suspension or being banned indefinitely. Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
Communication Breach |
Please note: By using WorkLocally's message service you are agreeing to comply with the WorkLocally Communication Policy. Communicating or inferring contact details prior to the 'Job Award' process is prohibited and against WorkLocally's Communication Policy. Communications are automatically monitored and alerted to the WorkLocally team for their review. Communication breaches may result in account suspension, or worst case, banned indefinitely from using WorkLocally. Please be warned. If you believe a communication breach has occurred, please click on the White Flag and click 'Yes', where this will be investigated further by the WorkLocally team. Thank you, The WorkLocally team. |
Sorry.. |
You Must be a Silver and Gold WorkLocally Member to be able to send messages to the Job Poster. |
Why? |
Job Posters like to know who they are dealing with. More importantly, if something goes wrong, reassurance exists that it can be traced back to a verified person and/ or an address.
Becoming verified ultimately gives confidence to the Job Poster that our personal or commercial details have been independently verified, which may increase your chances of winning jobs through the quotation process. |
How? |
If you are a Silver or Gold member, you can submit documentation, securely, to our administration team. the WorkLocally team will reconcile your information against your profile, and if successful, will endorse your profile with the appropriate verification. |
Types of verification endorsements available: |
This will differ depending if you have registered as an Independent Person (IP),a Sole Trader (ST) or a Commercial customer (CM). The table below reflects verification types available: |
Verification Type: |
Identity Verified: |
Address Verified: |
VAT Verified: |
PLI Verified: |
Reference Verified: |
Other Verified: |
![]() |
![]() |
Sorry.. |
The Job Poster is no longer taking your quote any further. As such, no further messages can be sent.
WorkLocally recommends: Becoming 'Verified',if you have not aleardy done so, in order to increase your chances of winning jobs. |
Why? |
Job Posters like to know who they are dealing with. More importantly, if something goes wrong, reassurance exists that it can be traced back to a verified person and/ or an address.
Becoming verified ultimately gives confidence to the Job Poster that your personal or commercial details have been independently verified, which may increase your chances of winning jobs through the quotation process. |
How? |
If you are a Silver or Gold member, you can submit documentation, securely, to our administration team. the WorkLocally team will reconcile your information against your profile, and if successful, will endorse your profile with the appropriate verification. |
Types of verification endorsements available: |
This will differ depending if you have registered as an Independent Person (IP),a Sole Trader (ST) or a Commercial customer (CM). The table below reflects verification types available: |
Verification Type: |
Identity Verified: |
Address Verified: |
VAT Verified: |
PLI Verified: |
Reference Verified: |
Other Verified: |
![]() |
![]() |
Flag Message |
Are you sure you want to flag this message as possibly breaching WorkLocally's Communication Policy? Please click here to check and confirm WorkLocally's Communication Rules, prior to clicking "Yes". If you select "Yes", this message will be sent to the WorkLocally team for review. |
Communication Rules |
By reporting this Job Post Message you are alerting the WorkLocally team.
Please check that the Job posting does actually breach WorkLocally's rules - as detailed below, before clicking "Yes". It is a breach to communication the following, before the Job Post has been "Awarded" by the Job Poster. Contact Information
Any flagged breaches will be escalated to the WorkLocally team, which, if found to contravene WorkLocally rules could result in immediate account suspension and banned indefinitely. Please either click "Yes" to report a message breach or "Cancel" to exit. Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
Flag Message |
Are you sure your want to flag this Job Post as possibly breaching WorkLocally's job posting policy. Please click here to check and confirm WorkLocally's job posting rules, prior to clicking "Yes". If you select "yes", this Job Post will be flagged to the WorkLocally team for review. |
Report Job |
Are you sure your want to report this Job Post as possibly breaching WorkLocally's job posting policy. Please click here to check and confirm WorkLocally's job posting rules, prior to clicking "Yes". If you select "yes", this Job Post will be reported to the WorkLocally team for review. |
Job Posting Policy |
WorkLocally Job Posting rules Registered members must be over 16 to use WorkLocally to submit FREE Job Posts. WorkLocally ( reserves the right to remove any Job Posts that are not suitable, either with or without notice. WorkLocally reserves the right to remove Job Posts, either with or without notice if the rules or terms & conditions are breached. In the interests of WorkLocally, people who regularly break the Job Posting rules mayfind their account permanently suspended from use. Keep it clean At WorkLocally we want to make sure that the site is clean, friendly and usable for the WorkLocally community. WorkLocally reserves the right to remove Job Posts, either with or without notice, that breach the Job Posting rules, Terms & Conditions and / or Privacy Policy. Job Posters who break the Job Posting rules will find their account permanently suspended from use. General Rules You must be 16 years old or older to submit avalid Job Post Your Job Post title and / or account profile should not contain a hyperlink to your website or to other websites on the internet. Posting photos of nudity or pornographic material will result in your account being suspended indefinitely. You must not post fake Job Posts, all Job Posts must be real. If any Job Posts have been identified by WorkLocally to be fake, your account logon may be permanently suspended from use. Prohibited Job Posts Sponsored or paid Job Posts. All Job Postings on WorkLocally are FREE. Adult/ pornographic, hatred, fraudulent, illegal or inappropriate Job Posts Advertisements that contain or imply discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status or religion. Sales or jobs that involve restricted, prohibited, harmful or illegal goods or services, including drugs, weapons, obscene material, prescription drugs, imported wildlife and stolen goods Job Posts for which you do not have the right to advertise the services in question, or services which infringe the copyright, trade mark or other rights of a third party, such as counterfeit or pirated material Any jobs that involve direct access to mailing lists and or personal information without sufficient controls in place, as determined by the Job Poster Any Job Post that is for any other reason illegal, obscene or unacceptable in any way. No duplicate Job Posts WorkLocally will only allow one Job Post for a particular category. Please do not submit the same Job Post, even if the Job Posting is re-worded within the same category, or across multiple categories. Choose the Job Post category location where your Job Posting is most relevant. Any duplicate Job Postings will be removed and if you continue to post duplicates Job Posts WorkLocally may suspend or restrict access indefinitely. Post in the correct category Please post in the correct Job Posting category, as it helps Job Seekers to search for relevant Jobs that can be undertaken by the specific Job Seeker skill. Responsibility for content You understand that the Job Post hosted on WorkLocally is the sole responsibility of the person or organisation from whom such content originated. You also understand that WorkLocally does not control the content and will not be held responsible for content made available through the service, and that by using the service, you may be directly exposed where the content is illegal, offensive, indecent, inaccurate, misleading or otherwise objectionable. Furthermore, the service and content made available through the WorkLocally service may contain links to other web sites that are completely independent of and make no representation or warranty as the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained on such web site. User conduct You agree to act responsibly and to treat other registered members within WorkLocally with courtesy and respect. Registered members must not use the service to harass or abuse other registered members. Individuals, Sole Traders or Companies who have demonstrably harassed other registered members may find their account permanently suspended from use. You also agree not to post, website links, or otherwise make available content that: Is unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, bigoted, racially offensive, obscene or otherwise objectionable. Discriminates against any persons on the grounds of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or age. Advertises any illegal services or the sale of any items prohibited or restricted by applicable law. Is harmful to minors or displays sexually explicit material of any kind. Encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability or otherwise violates any applicable local, national, European or international law or regulation, including the Channel Islands in the British Isles Transmits or posts any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, "spam," junk mail, "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," etc. Transmits or posts any content that infringes upon patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights or other proprietary rights. Contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII) about another registered member that is published without their express consent. Contains material originally posted by another member that is reposted without permission or attribution. Has misleading email addresses or other manipulated identifiers to disguise its origin. Is purposefully posted in an irrelevant category or city, repeatedly post the same or similar Content or otherwise impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Service's infrastructure. Post under a different logon account other that your own Not share your logon account with any other person other than the person who is registered to WorkLocally Not to sell or trade your logon to another person and / or another organisation; Sole Trader or Company. Stalk" or otherwise harass anyone through the Job Posting Process. Collect personal data about other users for commercial or unlawful purposes. Additionally, you agree not to: Contact any Job Seeker who has asked not asked to be contacted,BEFORE the‘Job Poster Job Award’ and ‘Exchange of Contact Details’ process Any violation of this rule may find their account suspended and / or permanently banned from WorkLocally. Dealings with third parties WorkLocally shall not be liable for your interactions with any organisations and/or individuals found through the service. This includes, but is not limited to, payment and delivery of goods and services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings. These dealings are solely between you the Job Poster and such organisations and/or individuals e.g., Job Seekers that you are directly dealing with. You agree that by submitting a Job Post that WorkLocally are not responsible for any damage, or loss incurred as a result of any such dealings. WorkLocally are under no obligation to become involved in any disputes whatsoever between registered members who use the WorkLocally service, or participants who use the WorkLocally service and / or through any third party. Other Amendments to the Job Posting policy may be made at any time, with or without notice. Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
Job Posting Policy |
WorkLocally Job Posting rules Registered members must be over 16 to use WorkLocally to submit FREE Job Posts. WorkLocally ( reserves the right to remove any Job Posts that are not suitable, either with or without notice. WorkLocally reserves the right to remove Job Posts, either with or without notice if the rules or terms & conditions are breached. In the interests of WorkLocally, people who regularly break the Job Posting rules mayfind their account permanently suspended from use. Keep it clean At WorkLocally we want to make sure that the site is clean, friendly and usable for the WorkLocally community. WorkLocally reserves the right to remove Job Posts, either with or without notice, that breach the Job Posting rules, Terms & Conditions and / or Privacy Policy. Job Posters who break the Job Posting rules will find their account permanently suspended from use. General Rules You must be 16 years old or older to submit avalid Job Post Your Job Post title and / or account profile should not contain a hyperlink to your website or to other websites on the internet. Posting photos of nudity or pornographic material will result in your account being suspended indefinitely. You must not post fake Job Posts, all Job Posts must be real. If any Job Posts have been identified by WorkLocally to be fake, your account logon may be permanently suspended from use. Prohibited Job Posts Sponsored or paid Job Posts. All Job Postings on WorkLocally are FREE. Adult/ pornographic, hatred, fraudulent, illegal or inappropriate Job Posts Advertisements that contain or imply discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status or religion. Sales or jobs that involve restricted, prohibited, harmful or illegal goods or services, including drugs, weapons, obscene material, prescription drugs, imported wildlife and stolen goods Job Posts for which you do not have the right to advertise the services in question, or services which infringe the copyright, trade mark or other rights of a third party, such as counterfeit or pirated material Any jobs that involve direct access to mailing lists and or personal information without sufficient controls in place, as determined by the Job Poster Any Job Post that is for any other reason illegal, obscene or unacceptable in any way. No duplicate Job Posts WorkLocally will only allow one Job Post for a particular category. Please do not submit the same Job Post, even if the Job Posting is re-worded within the same category, or across multiple categories. Choose the Job Post category location where your Job Posting is most relevant. Any duplicate Job Postings will be removed and if you continue to post duplicates Job Posts WorkLocally may suspend or restrict access indefinitely. Post in the correct category Please post in the correct Job Posting category, as it helps Job Seekers to search for relevant Jobs that can be undertaken by the specific Job Seeker skill. Responsibility for content You understand that the Job Post hosted on WorkLocally is the sole responsibility of the person or organisation from whom such content originated. You also understand that WorkLocally does not control the content and will not be held responsible for content made available through the service, and that by using the service, you may be directly exposed where the content is illegal, offensive, indecent, inaccurate, misleading or otherwise objectionable. Furthermore, the service and content made available through the WorkLocally service may contain links to other web sites that are completely independent of and make no representation or warranty as the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained on such web site. User conduct You agree to act responsibly and to treat other registered members within WorkLocally with courtesy and respect. Registered members must not use the service to harass or abuse other registered members. Individuals, Sole Traders or Companies who have demonstrably harassed other registered members may find their account permanently suspended from use. You also agree not to post, website links, or otherwise make available content that: Is unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, bigoted, racially offensive, obscene or otherwise objectionable. Discriminates against any persons on the grounds of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or age. Advertises any illegal services or the sale of any items prohibited or restricted by applicable law. Is harmful to minors or displays sexually explicit material of any kind. Encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability or otherwise violates any applicable local, national, European or international law or regulation, including the Channel Islands in the British Isles Transmits or posts any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, "spam," junk mail, "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," etc. Transmits or posts any content that infringes upon patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights or other proprietary rights. Contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII) about another registered member that is published without their express consent. Contains material originally posted by another member that is reposted without permission or attribution. Has misleading email addresses or other manipulated identifiers to disguise its origin. Is purposefully posted in an irrelevant category or city, repeatedly post the same or similar Content or otherwise impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Service's infrastructure. Post under a different logon account other that your own Not share your logon account with any other person other than the person who is registered to WorkLocally Not to sell or trade your logon to another person and / or another organisation; Sole Trader or Company. Stalk" or otherwise harass anyone through the Job Posting Process. Collect personal data about other users for commercial or unlawful purposes. Additionally, you agree not to: Contact any Job Seeker who has asked not asked to be contacted, BEFORE the 'Job Poster Job Award' and 'Exchange of Contact Details' process. Any violation of this rule may find their account suspended and / or permanently banned from WorkLocally. Dealings with third parties WorkLocally shall not be liable for your interactions with any organisations and/or individuals found through the service. This includes, but is not limited to, payment and delivery of goods and services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings. These dealings are solely between you the Job Poster and such organisations and/or individuals e.g., Job Seekers that you are directly dealing with. You agree that by submitting a Job Post that WorkLocally are not responsible for any damage, or loss incurred as a result of any such dealings. WorkLocally are under no obligation to become involved in any disputes whatsoever between registered members who use the WorkLocally service, or participants who use the WorkLocally service and / or through any third party. Other Amendments to the Job Posting policy may be made at any time, with or without notice. Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
Account deletion confirmation |
Your account has been deactivated from WorkLocally and will be permanently deleted within 21 days. Please note: if you log into your account within the next 21 days, your account will be reactivated and you will have the option to cancel your request. |
Delete Information |
Deleting this information will permanently remove it from your profile. This information, if applicable, will also be removed from your Public Profile and will no longer be visible by others. If you wish to continue to delete your previously submitted information, click on the confirm button below. |
Important: Please read before Confirming |
Deleting this information will permanently remove it from your public profile, meaning it will no longer be visible to others. If the information relates to your verification status, your verification status will be removed and you will be unable to purchase or redeem Callback Tokens until your new information has been uploaded and verified by a member of the WorkLocally team. If you wish to continue to delete, please click on the Confirm button below. |
Important: Please read before Confirming |
Deleting this information will permanently remove it from your public profile, meaning it will no longer be visible to others. If the information relates to your verification status, your verification status will be removed and you will be unable to purchase or redeem Callback Tokens until your new information has been uploaded and verified by a member of the WorkLocally team. If you wish to continue to delete, please click on the Confirm button below. |
Important: Please read before Confirming |
Deleting this information will permanently remove it from your public profile, meaning it will no longer be visible to others. If the information relates to your verification status, your verification status will be removed and you will be unable to purchase or redeem Callback Tokens until your new information has been uploaded and verified by a member of the WorkLocally team. If you wish to continue to delete, please click on the Confirm button below. |
Important: Please read before Confirming |
Deleting this information will permanently remove it from your public profile, meaning it will no longer be visible to others. If the information relates to your verification status, your verification status will be removed and you will be unable to purchase or redeem Callback Tokens until your new information has been uploaded and verified by a member of the WorkLocally team. If you wish to continue to delete, please click on the Confirm button below. |
Thank You |
Your question has been successfully sent to the WorkLocally team. We will get back to you at our earliest opportunity. Thanks. |
Thank You |
Your feedback has been successfully sent to the WorkLocally team for their review. |
Delete Information |
Deleting this information will permanently remove it from your profile. This information, if applicable, will also be removed from your Public Profile and will no longer be visible by others. If you wish to continue to delete your previously submitted information, click on the confirm button below. |
When I Quote on Jobs |
Please note:
this selection is a one-time action and is not reversible. Confirming that you hold the necessary qualifications and / or certifications to complete the Job Posts that you quote on is important, in order for Job Posters to understand that you have the necessary skills to carry out work as an Individual (Independent), Sole Trader or a Company. If you hold the necessary qualifications please select "Yes" to confirm. If you have selected "No" you will be confirming that you will ONLY place quotes on those Job Posts which do not require specialist qualifications/certifications, please click confirm below. You have confirmed the following: Yes Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
When I Quote on Jobs |
Please note:
this selection is a one-time action and is not reversible. Confirming that you hold the necessary qualifications and / or certifications to complete the Job Posts that you quote on is important, in order for Job Posters to understand that you have the necessary skills to carry out work as an Individual (Independent), Sole Trader or a Company. If you hold the necessary qualifications please select "Yes" to confirm. If you have selected "No" you will be confirming that you will ONLY place quotes on those Job Posts which do not require specialist qualifications/certifications, please click confirm below. You have confirmed the following: No Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
Select Your Working Status |
Please note: this selection is a one-time action and is not reversible. Selecting your Working Status is important, in order for job Posters to understand that you are legally entitled to carry out work as an Individual (Independent), Sole Trader or a Company. You have confirmed that you are the following: UK/EU Citizen Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
Select Your Working Status |
Please note: this selection is a one-time action and is not reversible. Selecting your Working Status is important, in order for job Posters to understand that you are legally entitled to carry out work as an Individual (Independent), Sole Trader or a Company. You have confirmed that you are the following: Work Permit Holder Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
My Benefits | |
Submit a WorkLocally job advert, sit back and wait for the phone to ring | |
Indicate your job budget. Set your expectations up front, before receiving quotes | |
Save the time & inconvenience of phoning around, only to be told they are unable to work to your schedule | |
Indicate when you need the work to be completed. Set your own timeline | |
Why do all the chasing to find the right person. Let Job Seekers come to you | |
See if you are receiving competitive quotes compared to others | |
Receive email alerts when a Job Seeker quotes on your job | |
Built-in message board to answer Job Seeker questions about your job advert | |
Exchange your contact details only after you have awarded the job to a Job Seeker | |
Choose to add a discretionary bonus to encourage a Job Seeker to go-the-extra-mile |
The WorkLocally Engine Room | |
Running, monitoring 24/7 and constantly improving WorkLocally technology so it can handle the required high levels of traffic | |
Send you free alerts when a Job Seeker responds to your Job Advert, to enable you to respond accordingly | |
Providing a dedicated customer service for WorkLocally, giving prompt and expert advice when you need it | |
Constantly creating new features and providing regular enhancements to WorkLocally, making it easier for you | |
Giving you a clean, junk-free experience. We'll never spam you or pass your personal details on to a third party. Ever. |
Job Location / Deadline | |
Job Location: | |
Date Posted: | Job Post Preview |
Expected Start Date: | |
Expected Start Time: | |
Job Address: |
Job Payment Details | |
Budget Indicated: | Yes |
Quote Type Preferred: | |
Bonus Payment: | |
Bonus Amount: | % |
Receipt Required: |
Job Posting Type | |
Job Scope: | |
Job Type: | |
Home or Commercial Poster: | |
Property Type: | |
Dedicated Parking: |
Job Quote Summary | |
Job Quote Type: | |
Job Poster Budget: | £0.00 |
Quotes Received: | 0 |
Highest Quote: | £0.00 |
Lowest Quote: | £0.00 |
Job Poster Preferences | |
Preferred Seeker Type: | |
Certified / Qualified: | |
Address Verified: | |
Identity Verified: | |
Company Verified: | |
Insurance Required: | |
Rubbish Removed: |
Available Payment Options | |
Cash: | |
Cheque: | |
Internet Bank Transfer: | |
Credit / Debit Card: | |
PayPal: | |
Other: | |
Benefits of Upgrading |
Below are some of the benefits of upgrading your membership. |
Increase Job Quote Limit |
The maximum amount that you can quote on a job will depend on the membership type that you choose. For Job Seekers looking to only quote on smaller jobs, the Bronze membership is not only free, but comes with many great WorkLocally features that could be perfect for all your needs. For Job Seekers looking to quote on larger jobs, you may be more suited to a Silver or Gold membership. Remember, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your membership at any time, should you feel that a different membership type would suit your needs better. |
Access Callback Jobs |
Callback jobs are jobs submitted by a Job Poster looking for up to 7 interested Job Seekers to contact them directly to arrange a quote. Whilst all membership types allow users to post a Callback job, only Silver and Gold members can register their interest in these Job Posts. For those looking to access Callback Job leads then a Silver or Gold membership would be perfect for you. Please note, you must be a verified WorkLocally member before you can quote on Callback Jobs. If you are a commercial Job Seeker, you must be Company & VAT verified before you can quote on Callback Jobs. If you are an independent Job Seeker, you must be Identity and Address verified before you can quote on Callback Jobs. |
Get Email Alerts |
One of the great benefits of upgrading to a Silver or Gold membership is that you will be able to set up email alerts tailored to your skills and area. Once set up, you will automatically receive alerts on any new jobs posted in your area that match your skills, putting you in the best position to quote on and win jobs in your area. |
View Jobs on Map |
Upgrading to a Silver or Gold membership will allow you to view jobs that you have registered an interest in, quoted on, or jobs that have been awarded by the Job Poster, all on a geographical based map. The map format allows you to quickly see where jobs are located and to plan your work schedules accordingly. |
Benefits of WorkLocally Verification |
The benefits of WorkLocally verification are detailed below |
Get Address Verified |
In order to be verified by the WorkLocally team, you must be a Silver or Gold member. Getting verified gives Job Posters piece of mind which in turn increases your chances of winning Jobs. Getting address verified is simple. All you need to do is upload your information, which is secured using security protection technologies and sent to the WorkLocally team. The information will be reviewed and a marker placed on your public profile for other WorkLocally members to see. |
Get Identity Verified |
In order to be verified by the WorkLocally team, you must be a Silver or Gold member. Getting verified gives Job Posters piece of mind which in turn increases your chances of winning Jobs. Getting identity verified is simple. All you need to do is upload your information, which is secured using security protection technologies and sent to the WorkLocally team. The information will be reviewed and a marker placed on your public profile for other WorkLocally members to see. |
Get Company Verified |
In order to be verified by the WorkLocally team, you must be a Silver or Gold member. Getting verified gives Job Posters piece of mind which in turn increases your chances of winning Jobs. Getting company verified is simple. All you need to do is to provide us with your company details. The information will be reviewed and a marker placed on your public profile for other WorkLocally members to see. |
Get VAT Verified |
In order to be verified by the WorkLocally team, you must be a Silver or Gold member. Getting verified gives Job Posters piece of mind which in turn increases your chances of winning Jobs. Getting VAT verified is simple. All you need to do is provide us with your VAT details. The information will be reviewed and a marker placed on your public profile for other WorkLocally members to see. |
Improving your Public Profile |
Methods to improve your Public Profile are detailed below. |
Publish Qualifications |
As a WorkLocally member you can upload and publish details of any relevant courses or qualifications that you have completed. Adding these details will not only enhance your public profile but may also be instrumental in helping you to win more jobs. |
Publish Skills |
As a WorkLocally member you can provide details of up to 5 skills that you specialise in. This will not only help other WorkLocally members to understand your strengths but can also be used in tailoring your job searches. In addition to WorkLocally's internal skill classification you can also upload details of any skills that you have registered with TrustMark. TrustMark is an independent organisation, where only approved operators can recruit reputable and trustworthy tradesman to be TrustMark registered. Being TrustMark registered will give Job Posters additional peace of mind which in turn should increase your chances of winning jobs. |
Build Public Profile |
One of the great advantages of joining WorkLocally is that no matter which membership you choose, you can start building your public profile immediately. As a Job Poster your public profile includes the number of Jobs that you have posted and awarded as well as details of feedback that you have received. As a Job Seeker your public profile will include details of the number of Jobs you have completed through WorkLocally, any feedback you have received, whether you have been WorkLocally verified as well as your skills and qualifications. A positive, comprehensive and detailed public profile will only help you win more jobs. |
Leave Feedback |
An integral part of WorkLocally is our inbuilt feedback function. Feedback can be left by both the Job Poster and Job Seeker and helps to foster a culture of accountability. Job Posters are urged to use the feedback left through WorkLocally as just one of the many tools available to them to assess a Job Seeker's suitability for their job. |
Select Your Job Seeker Type | ||||||||
Please note: this selection is a one-time action and is not reversible. Selecting your Job Seeker details is important, in order for Job Posters to understand you Job Seeker Type, Working Status and whether you're qualified for Gas, Electric or Plumbing jobs. Most importantly, whether you have the neccessary qualification for jobs you quote on. You have confirmed that you are the following:
Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
When I Quote on Jobs |
Please note: this selection is a one-time action and is not reversible. Confirming that you hold the necessary qualifications and / or certifications to complete the Job Posts that you quote on is important, in order for Job Posters to understand that you have the necessary skills to carry out work as an Individual (Independent), Sole Trader or a Company. If you hold the necessary qualifications, please ensure that you have selected "Yes". If you select "No" you will be confirming that you will ONLY place quotes on those Job Posts which do not require specialist qualifications/certifications. To return to the previous screen and confirm your selection please click "Close" below. |
Attracting More Job Seekers |
Below are some of the ways a Managed Post could help you attract more Job Seekers. |
Receiving Quotes |
Your time may be limited, or you may only want to receive quotes from a small number of Job Seekers. If that’s the case then the Callback allows you to specify the number of Job Seekers – up to 7, that you want to contact you. The Managed Post allows unlimited Job Seekers to provide you with a quote, but you can award your job to any one of them at any time - as and when you find the right person for you! |
Comparing Quotes |
If you submit your Job Post under the Managed Post you will receive unlimited quotes from interested Job Seekers. Once received you will be able to see all your quotes in one place and cross compare them. |
Exchanging Contact Details |
With Managed Post, contact details will ONLY be exchanged with the Job Seeker when you have awarded them the Job, and most importantly, when the Job Seeker has accepted to undertake the job – NOT before! If after initial contact you don’t want to proceed with that Job Seeker for a variety of reasons, you can always withdraw the award and award your job to another Job Seeker. |
Receiving More Accurate Quotes |
Below is some advice as to how you could improve the accuracy of the quotes you receive. |
Summarise and Describe your Job Post |
Summarising your Job Post will enable Job Seekers to see whether they have the skills and appetite required to complete your job. This reduces any wasted time and effort by ensuring that only the right Job Seekers provide you with a quote. Both Managed and Callbacks enable you to provide a detailed description of the type and scope of your job. |
Provide Measurements |
In order to receive the most accurate quote it is important to include any relevant measurements, dimensions, sizes or quantities which could affect the quotation. Both the Quick and Managed Post Job Posts have a specific field for you to provide these details. |
Upload Pictures |
In order to enhance your description and obtain the most accurate quote, both the Managed and Callback options allow you to upload up to 4 images. |
Selecting the Right Job Seeker |
There are many factors that should be taken into consideration when selecting who to award your job to. Below are some of the features and functions available that will help you make the right decision for you. |
WorkLocally Verification |
For additional peace of mind, WorkLocally offers a verification service to verify Job Seekers address, identity, Company status, VAT Status and Public Liability Insurance. During the verification process WorkLocally will also obtain and verify two references for the Job Seeker. Once verified, a marker will be placed on their public profile for you to review and compare. Ensuring verification will give you additional peace of mind. |
Skills, Qualifications and TrustMark Registrations |
The Job Seekers Public Profile contains details of the type of skills they describe themselves as having as well as any skills that they have registered with TrustMark. TrustMark is an independent scheme operated to promote and improve standards in the repair, maintenance and improvement sectors. Being TrustMark registered means that the tradesman has been assessed as reputable and trustworthy by the scheme operators. The Job Seekers Public Profile will also provide details of any qualifications or certifications that they hold, and, possessing such qualifications may be instrumental in your decision making process. However, as WorkLocally does not verify any certifications / qualifications, please ensure that you check the Jobs Seekers certifications and qualifications where appropriate. |
Feedback |
When a Job has been undertaken by a Job Seeker, both the Job Seeker and Job Poster have the opportunity to leave Feedback about the job. Job Seekers and Job Posters can leave Positive, Neutral or Negative Feedback which, over time, is used to build the Public Profile of the WorkLocally member. Although a more in-depth view of all Feedback left is available for review, the Positive Feedback Percentage, based on a Feedback score calculation, provides an overview of the feedback that the WorkLocally member has received over a 12 month period. Leaving feedback helps to foster a culture of accountability and helps other Job Posters to make informed decisions on whom to award their job to. |
Important |
Please note:
WorkLocally will not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or misrepresentations made regarding an individual\'s, sole trader or a company\'s Qualifications or Certifications.
In order to register to WorkLocally as a Job Seeker, and quote on Job Posts, you must hold the necessary qualifications and/or certifications required to undertake that Job. If you hold the necessary qualifications please check the box to confirm. If you do not hold the necessary qualifications and/or certifications please either cancel your registration or, return to the previous screen, and Select "No". By selecting "No" you will be confirming that you will ONLY place quotes on those Job Posts which do not require specialist qualifications/certifications. |
My Profile Photo |
To upload a profile photo click on the Browse button and choose your photo. It could be of yourself, your company or anything else that represents you, so long as it is not offensive and does not contain personal or identifiable information. A profile photo that is of a portrait orientation will provide the best results, but when choosing and uploading your photo please remember the photo cannot exceed the maximum file size of 1024kb. |
Quoting on Gas, Electricity or Plumbing |
Please note: this selection is a one-time action and is not reversible. Selecting that you are qualified / certified is important, in order for Job Posters to understand that you have the necessary and up-to-date qualifications to carry out work as an Individual (Independent), Sole Trader or a Company. You have confirmed that you are the following: Yes Thank you, The WorkLocally Team |
Quoting on Gas, Electricity or Plumbing |
Please note: this selection is a one-time action and is not reversible. Selecting that you are qualified / certified is important, in order for Job Posters to understand that you have the necessary and up-to-date qualifications to carry out work as an Individual (Independent), Sole Trader or a Company. You have confirmed that you are the following: No Thank you, The WorkLocally Team |
Communication Policy |
Please accept WorkLocally's Communication Policy before submitting your Job Post |
Job Posting Policy |
Please accept WorkLocally's Job Posting Policy before submitting your Job Post |
Awarding your Job Post |
This Job Post has already been re-awarded and cannot be re-awarded again. If you would like to re-list your Job, you can copy and amend the Job Post by clicking on the Copy Post icon in your My Jobs tab. |
Job Post Confirmation |
Please click Confirm to submit your Job Post and to see what happens next. Or, click Cancel if you choose not to continue. Once your job has been submitted, you will shortly receive an email containing your Job Post Reference Number. Please note: To view and manage your Job Post, please login to your "My WorkLocally" via your dashboard. Your Job Post will be located under "My Jobs". Further information: For further information about how to manage your Job Post, please visit the "How it Works" and "FAQ" sections of the site. WorkLocally wishes you every success with finding the right Job Seeker for you. Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
Re-Publishing your Job Post |
Has your Job Post come to an end without finding the right Job Seeker for you? If so don't worry, it is possible to re-publish your Job Post, saving you time. Re-publishing the Job Post will duplicate all of the details that you originally submitted. You will then be able to preview the Job Post, to check and confirm all of the details are still correct. Simply make any necessary changes and submit your Job Post, your job will then be relisted and you can sit back and wait for quotes to come in. |
Communication Policy |
My Messages
WorkLocally allows the Job Poster to communicate with Job Seekers, and for Silver or Gold members to communicate with the Job Poster, through its direct messaging service. Members who use the direct messaging service must follow WorkLocally's Communication Policy and rules. Contact Information It is a breach to communicate the following, before the Job Post has been "Awarded" by the Job Poster:
Other Breaches It is a breach to communicate the following in the WorkLocally messaging service:
Please Note WorkLocally actively monitors messages. Flagged breaches will be escalated to the WorkLocally team, which, if found to contravene WorkLocally rules could result in immediate account suspension and banned indefinitely. Thank you, The WorkLocally team |
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.